Candidates conduct research and practice using accepted professional and institutional guidelines and procedures.
Description of Artifact 1
Artifact 1 was developed in GREV 701 "Professional Leadership in Instructional Technology" in Fall 2020 with Dr. Margolis. The assignment was to write a proposal for a research study on a current topic affecting education. This artifact is a proposal to conduct a qualitative study on how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the health and well-being of those who identify as LGBTQIA+. The paper explored relationship dynamics, along with community and family constructs in this subset of the population. Medical concerns were also explored.
Reflection on Artifact 1
Identifying an artifact to reach this standard was difficult, but this proposal aims to examine how members of the LGBTQIA+ community were dealing with the mid-stages of a global pandemic. I believe this project may fulfill much of the standard from the perspective that it proposes ethical research and adherence to institutional guidelines.
Description of Artifact 2
Artifact 2 demonstrates my training and commitment to the ethical standards and practices developed by the CITI program for working with human research subjects. Working with the Institutional Review Boards (IRB) at research institutions was also covered in the training.
Reflection on Artifact 2
This artifact fulfills the standard in two areas of ethics in regarding research and practice, and exemplifies my commitment to ethical guidelines. Although this is an area of growth for me, I believe the training represents my understanding and adherence to institutional ethical standards.